Pray. Eat. Move. Terms & Conditions

Information on this site or in any programs, products or services by Julie Grunklee or Grunklee Enterprises, LLC is not intended to nor is a substitute for medical diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention for any medical condition and is not to be construed as such. Individual articles, videos and program content are the opinion of Julie Grunklee or guest author unless otherwise noted. Information provided by this site and programs offered by Grunklee Enterprises, LLC is for informational purposes only. We cannot guarantee information on this site or in programs, products or services offered by Grunklee Enterprises, LLC reflects the most up-to-date medical research. All information is provided without any representation or warranties of any kind. Please consult your primary care provider, licensed mental health provider, clergy or other licensed health care provider with any questions you have regarding your health, including nutrition, exercise, stress-reduction, mental or emotional health or spirituality practices. Do not watch and/or listen to the guided meditations while driving or operating dangerous machinery or any place it is not safe for you to relax, close your eyes and potentially fall asleep.

Some links throughout the site, and in posts, may be affiliate links. By clicking on a link and making a purchase, I may receive a small commission, but your price will not change. All products, stores, restaurants, and other services, I either personally use or highly recommend.